Thursday, October 25, 2012

Did search for AIDS cure kill Mwanawasa?

By John Chola 25/10/12 "As I have consistently informed you, I know of at least five (5) people who have been cured of AIDS after taking the Sondashi Formulation in the sense that they have been tested positive before starting treatment and then negative afterwards. The tests have been repeated on at least 3 different occasions of three months interval. The negative results have remained constant," Levy P. Mwanawasa, SC President of the Republic of Zambia wrote to then Minister of Health, Dr. Brian Chituwo on July 26, 2005. The late President Mwanawasa expressed great concern over the failure by the National AIDS Council to fulfil the protocol criteria required by the medical ethics Committee on the Sondashi cure for HIV/AIDS. “Out of the three formulations, however, Dr. Sondashi’s appeared to be the most promising one and it was for this reason that I insisted that this US$56 thousand should be made available,” Dr. Mwanawasa told Dr. Chituwo. The late President also wondered why there were delays in conducting clinical trials on the Sondashi Formula (SF 2000). Dr. Mwanawasa was irritated at the conduct of a Professor Karashani who seemed to entertain the efficacy of the SF 2000 by insisting that the herbal’s toxicity was not positive. “I do not read anywhere were he, [Professor Karashani], has carried out tests on the formulation to justify this finding,” the late Dr. Mwanawsa observed. He told Dr. Chituwo that:
“with regard to your request that consideration be given to the National AIDS Council carrying out research on the Sondashi Formulation, as far as I am concerned I do not care which organisation carries out the necessary research. What we want to know is whether this formulation constitutes a cure.”
Dr. Mwanawasa added in his correspondence to Dr. Chituwo: “I regret that from a lay man’s point of view, I see nothing which has been done to demonstrate that there have been any appreciable tests carried out on the Sondashi Formulation.” Its seven years and three months today from the time Dr. Mwanawasa had expressed dissatisfaction over delays by Zambia’s medical experts and NAC to conclude tastes on the SF 2000. In 2007, Dr. Mwanawasa died in office as Republican President mysteriously while attending the African Union Summit in Egypt. Dr. Patrick Chikusu, currently the Deputy Minister of Health, carried out the first studies for six months on the Sondashi Formula and he still has the results of his findings. Investigations can reveal that Dr. Chikusu in his studies found out that the SF 2000 showed tremendous results in the six patients who were involved. “Dr. Chikusu found that the FS 2000 killed the virus and AIDS. He tested the Sondashi Formula side by side with ARVs in the lab and found that the Sondashi Formula killed viruses while ARVs were only weakening the viruses,” a source has told this news wire. South Africa’s Council for Scientific Research (CSIR) Bioscience Executive Director Dr Joe Molete and his counterpart Dr. Vinesh Maharaj said in July 2012 that the Sondashi Formula is a Zambian biodiversity, Zambian knowledge and so the best benefits should go to Zambia. CSIR is now in the process of signing an agreement on the issues to do with intellectual property and benefits sharing between all the parties involved. The parties involved include Dr. Sondashi, CSIR and the Zambian government. An agreement had earlier been signed for the Zambian government to release K800 million for clinical trials to be conducted at Ndola Central Hospital starting in two weeks’ time. Ends…///


  1. What is the progress to date?

  2. By this time , there should have been one to come out and say that he/she is now negative after taking the formuler. In the absence of this, I still doubt of this sf 2000. Maybe it works just live arvs as just a booster not to eradicate the virus.

  3. Where are Dr. Sondashi's offices? Iwould also like to find out if he can cure diabetis as well?

    Please I need a feedback.

  4. Where are Dr. Sondashi's offices? I also want to find out if he has medicines which cure diabetis.

    Please reply.


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